Just when you thought eating at
your favorite Kosher restaurant was relaxing,
Vladimir has decided to join your dinning table.
May we suggest you avoid anything glowing!
Haveil Havalim 96 is at Soccer Dad's this week
Bon Appetit.
Haveil Havalim 96
Why is HH 96 radioactive?
Well apart from the obvious, 96 is also the atomic number of Curium. Curium is essentially a man made element. It has never been found in Nature. For more information on Curium visit here: Curium
Curium was named after Madame Curie who was a great Scientist, the only person to win two Nobel Prizes in different fields, and the only ever woman to win two Nobel Prizes. Madame Curie also died from Radiation Poisoning.
With the current scandal of a former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko being Poisoned with Polonium 210, and succumbing to radiation poisoning, it was either HH 96, or wait until edition 210 , I couldn't wait that long. Seems Vladimir might not have been able to wait either. Madame Curie was the first to identify Polonium which she manage to extract from pitchblende .
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