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Wednesday, 3 October 2007

The 16th edition of JPix is Up!

The 16th edition of JPix!

A Freilechin Sukkos - From outside 770

A Stunning Photo taken by the Mother
of Mottle from Letters of Thought

[Click to see a larger version]

Welcome to the 16th Edition of JPix, -The Jewish Photo Carnival.

Ok, Mr Bagel has been a naughty boy. I've been meaning to put JPix up for a while and each time, time has got the better of me. With Rosh Hashanah,Yom Kippur and Sukkot following each other and also having work which meant less time for blogging its been a battle.

Anyway, I do apologise to those that submitted and have expected JPix to have come a lot early you have my apologies. Without further ado here is JPix 16

Eretz Israel

Welcome Clouds
Image courtesy of me-ander

Muse presents Welcome Clouds posted at me-ander muse also presents To Be Free in Eretz Yisrael an inspiring photo essay of the annual Od Avihu march from Shiloh to Jerusalem. Theres more photos available via Shiloh Musings, Hit the road, from Shiloh to Jerusalem!

On another excursion Batya visited Kever Rachel and posed the question Is that how they treat their mothers?

Muse has been doing some exploring trying to figure out some of the bizarre acronyms that are prevalent in Israel. Theres CBS-- At least that's what the bus signs call it and Natbag--Do you know what that is?

Cosmic X presents The White Waterfall In Nachal El Al at Cosmic X in Jerusalem .

hofshi presents Here There and Everywhere: תל אביב בתמונות posted at A photo tour of Tel Aviv, Israel, saying, "Lovely photos of Tel Aviv,Israel. See Tel Aviv like you've never seen it before."

StreetsOfJerusalem presents Sukkah-riah posted at The Streets of Jerusalem, saying, "Jerusalem Sukkah Fun"


A View from S Marino

Image courtesy of Letters of Thought

Mottel from Letters of Thought has an amazing series of photos from his extensive Lithuanian Summer in Italy series.

A Lithuanian Summer In Italy I
A Lithuanian Summer In Italy II - Daily Life
A Lithuanian Summer In Italy III - When in Rome
A Lithuanian Summer In Italy IV - Do as The Romans
A Lithuanian Summer In Italy V - On Carnivals and Rimini
A Lithuanian Summer In Italy VI -Republic of S Marino
A Lithuanian Summer In Italy VII - Coda del Lituania

Family and Friends

Image courtesy of Temunot
[Make sure you visit Temunot to see the image in a large format]

DavidL from Temunot presents Tranquility

LittleBirdies presents Two Kids, Two Preschool Orientations, One Crazy Morning posted at LittleBirdies.

DavidL from Temunot also presents The Return of the Monster showing a uncanny photo of him as a youth whilst running a race called the 'Monster', which proved to be quite a challenge.. speaking of challenges and teamwork DavidL also posted, Two Heads and Four Hands are Better Than One Head and Two Hands and Summer's gone

Phyllis Sommer presents Spoon Love...Best Shot Monday, Veggie Recipe, and Pink! from Ima on (and off) the Bimah.


Karen presents Hurricane Katrina - 2 Years posted at Photos by Seawitch, saying, "Hurricane was devastating to my hometown in Gulfport Mississippi. I've taken pictures since the aftermath and have composed 5 videos of them. This is the latest and remembers the 2 year anniversary."


A Simple Jew presents Black & White Picture Of The Week - Sunlight Through Wormholes posted at A Simple Jew.


Blow the Shofar
Image courtesy of imabima

Tamara presents All Good Things posted at Tamara Eden.

Phyllis Sommer presents Blow the Shofar...my Best Shot Monday posted at Ima on (and off) the Bimah.

Cosmic X presents Happy New Year posted at Cosmic X in Jerusalem .

Muse from Me-ander gave us a glimpse of Almost Succot shopping then we got to see her Succah up including the s'chach
A Simple Jew presents some abstract Black & White Pictures For Erev Sukkos posted at A Simple Jew.

DavidL's children were being kept busy with All that hard work

Cosmic X shows us a photo which is a departure from his usual "Mystery Series" check out Not a Mystery Tree

Cosmic X
in Jerusalem also tries to come to terms with the difficulty of celebrating Sukkot whilst dealing with the loss of Rav Avraham Shapira zt"l. Cosmic X has a photo of the funeral. A Not so happy Sukkot.


Enjoying the Ride
Image courtesy of Temunot

DavidL from Temunot presents Enjoying the Ride.

Batya from Shiloh Musings shows us the Creature over Jaffa

Out and About

On the Road in Colorado
Image courtesy of Letters of Thought
Seems Mottel is always traveling on a plane to somewhere, in his recent trip to Southern Colorado, Mottle managed to capture some spectacular scenery. Its well worth the time to view. Two and a Half Rabbis in the Rockies also check out Mottel's other Colarado posts
Mike Pick of Pike's Peak and Other Stories and the 'second half' of Two and a Half Rabbis in the Rockies, Kabbalah Talk at 8000 Feet and Tefillin at 14,110 feet or Goodybe Rockies, Hello Smog! make sure you check this post out as theres a scoop photo of Three different JBloggers at once! By the way this edition of JPix is not dedicated to Mottel, his just one prolific Photographer, well done!

muse from me-ander was watching a performance at the school she teaches at, drop in and see quite a preformance. "If I were a rich man..."

Sarah from Sarah's View presents Phone Pics: Rock Sitting

Art for Arts sake

Dining Room Sunset
Image courtesy of A Simple Jew

A Simple Jew presents Black & White Picture Of The Week - Dining Room Sunset posted at A Simple Jew.

Muse posts a rather humorously titled Still Life at the Edge

Thats it for JPix 16 once again my apologies and I'll ensure that JPix 17 edition is back on track. Baleboosteh has volunteered to host JPix 17 and I know a lot of people will be looking forward to it. JPIx 17 will be Thursday 18th October.

Submit your blog article to the next edition of
j pix - jewish photo carnival using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page


Anonymous said...

An unbelievably amazing job. Thanks for posting so many of my pics. Have a great Yom Tov.

Mottel said...

I really don't mind if it's dedicated to me, honestly . . .
Thanks for the scoop and all the other great pics etc.
A great Yom Tov!

Batya said...

Fantastic job.
thanks for the links

AS said...

Great job, that must have taken quite a bit of time to compile!