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Tuesday, 13 March 2007

JPix 3: [Part 2] Purim is all mixed up The Confusion Continues

Mr Bagel would like to announce that Me-ander has put the second part of JPix 3 Up! Yes this issue is so huge the Incredible Me-ander did it in two parts!
View more about the second half of JPix3 ...

Can you guess who posted this picture??

JPix3 The Purim Edition - Part 2

Once again the incredible Batya from Me-ander has come up with an outstanding carnival.
This JPix 3 [Purim Edition] Was so big that it necessitated Batya doing to 2 seperate 'Carnivals', I'm amazed she is still talking to me!

Me ander has done a wonderful job with Part 1 of JPix 3, the Jewish Photo Carnival and now she has completed Part 2 of JPix 3, of the Purim Edition

Batya has done another monumental job with JPix3 part 2
She has added even more Purim Confusion to this great edition.

Me-ander has continued the Purim Muddle theme and not only can't tell Haman from Mordecai, but can't tell which JBlogger has done which photo!

It makes for a great challenge.
If you think you know what makes 'JBloggers' tick,
then use your knowledge and try to guess who has posted which pictures.

Make sure you check out:

JPix3 The Purim Edition - Part 2

Bagelblogger Get those entries into JPix..!
* Jpix 3 * Jpix 3 Part2 * Jpix The Purim Edition * Me-ander * Jpix * Jewish Photography * Jewish Photography Carnival * JPix CarnivalJ Pix Carnival * Jewish Art * Jewish Photos and Blogs * Jewish Photo Blogs * Jewish Photo Essays * Israel and Photos * Jewish Creativity * Jewish * Israel * JewishBagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger * TrackBack Pt2


PsychoToddler said...

Hey, welcome back!

Unknown said...

Welcome home.