Seems that Jack at Jack's Shack has been working hard, and has just finished putting up Haveil Havalim 97
Now Jack's Shack and other Jbloggers are running for the WebBlog awards, see Jacks page, make sure you vote for your fellow Jbloggers. and Make sure you vote for
I don't think he's going to be so happy today!
Seems that Haveil Havalim is really gaining a following. I must admit I really look forward to it every week.
Haveil Havalim 97 is at Jack's Shack this week
Enjoy your HH Sunday special .
Haveil Havalim 97
Jack's not really 97, his just crotchy for his age...
Jack's Shack Well done Jack, hope you have still got that famous sense of humor!: * HH97 * HH96 * Soccer Dad * Smooth Stone * HH95 * Haveil Havalim 97 * Haveil HavalimHaveil Havelim * Haveil Havalim 95 * Me-ander * Shiloh Musings * Greetings From French Hill * Me-ander * Daled Amos * Psycho Toddler * betbender * meander * * shilohmusings * yourish * israelrules * lifeinisrael * me-ander * asimplejew * Elder of Ziyon * Abbagav * abaleboosteh * sultanknish * muqata * Israel * Jewish * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger *
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