so take a deep breath, Me-ander as always has worked tirelessly.
Stick your thumb out and hitch a ride if you have to, but don't miss this Journey.
The 100th Edition of Haveil Havalim is next week. Bagel Blogger is lucky enough to have the privilege of hosting HH100. Please note that to make #100 special we're asking everyone to submit a post from this year and, if they have it, a post from last year. Submit your posts here via Blog Carnival. Me-ander Well Done!
: * Meander *Jerusalem Games * Soccer Dad * Haveil Havalim, Number 99 * Haveil Havalim * Haveil Havelim99 Haveil Havalim * Me-ander * Shiloh Musings * Greetings From French Hill * Me-ander * Daled Amos * Psycho Toddler * betbender * meander * The Clash of Civilisations * shilohmusings * yourish * israelrules * lifeinisrael * me-ander * asimplejew * Elder of Ziyon * Abbagav * abaleboosteh * sultanknish * muqata * Israel * Jewish * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger *
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